Our Leadership and Teambuilding training courses are designed to improve leadership skills and allow our delegates to be able to lead successful and high performing teams. Our team building workshops are packed full of useful teamwork training exercises, tips and techniques that new and experienced managers will find essential in showing how to lead effectively and will put them on the steady route of becoming successful managers and team leaders. Delegates who have taken our Leadership and Teambuilding courses have now gone on to lead highly productive teams and improving productivity by becoming better managers, motivators, delegators and leaders.
Leadership and team building is a training course that is both challenging and practical. We aim to teach the fundamental ‘people management skills‘ in a positive and constructive environment. It has been designed to enable delegates to understand the basic fundamentals of strategy and motivation in team building. You will benefit by learning tips and techniques that will increase your competence and confidence when managing, influencing and leading teams and individuals.
Motivation part 1 – Setting goals and targets
This recording was carried out on our leadership and team building training course. In this session you will hear our lead trainer, Warren Wint talking to delegates about one of the key elements of effective motivation of staff.
One of the main aspects of this particular session is the ability to motivate staff by setting targets. Not only is it vital to set an overall target or goal, but it is important that the target is broken down so that all team members are able to see the clear path to achieving it. Also by breaking down the target, it enables leaders to communicate to their team how to achieve it.
This is an important factor in motivation as the one of the key resistance factors is “How we will achieve that target?” A successful motivator must be able to set a goal and then to be able to break down the process of achieving it so that the team and its individual members can easily see the process and timescale of how it can be achieved with either training or coaching.
Motivation Part2 -The key stages of motivating others
During this audio recording you’ll hear Warren talking to delegates on our leadership and team building training course about the art and the skill of motivation. One of the aspects of this conversation you’ll hear Warren discussing the three stage process of externally motivating staff.
Stage one: Setting targets.
Stage two: Establishing performance or behavioural plans.
Stage three: Rewards associated with achieving targets
Motivation Part3 – How to motivate your team
During this podcast Warren breaks down and explains in greater details how targets and goal setting are the fundamental keys to effective motivation.
Stage one: Target. Employees can be motivated by setting a target and a goal.
Stage two: Performance or behavioural plans. Once a target or goal has been developed stage two involves devising a plan. Plan can be either a behavioural action plan or a performance action plan. It should be communicated so that the individual is able to follow the plan within a given time period. And should be broken down so that the individual/ team can easily see how to achieve the goal of target. An effective leader should always remember that the first emotional reaction to change is resistance. This resistance can be quite strong if the team or individual is experienced, has been working in the organisation for a long time, or is used to using the current process or procedures. A successful motivator or influence should be able to recognise this as one of the first factors to overcome.
Stage three: Reward. Great motivators recognise the need to reward achievement not only in achieving the goal but also to reward the progress towards the successful achievement of the goal. Rewards can be external; praise, recognition, incentives, time off etc. They can also be internal; the feelings of satisfaction we experience once we have achieved a target. We can feel pride, self-achievement, increased confidence, satisfaction etc.
The excellent motivator not only understands the value of external motivators to drive improvements in performance and behaviour but will also use internal factors of motivation to achieve their goal.
Motivation part4 – Value hierarchy
Warren discusses a powerful technique that allows you to discover the inner motivators that we all posess. We call these our values and Warren gives tips and techniques about how to find out what drives an individual and how to use this information to motivate them.
In order to understand the power of personal motivation, we need to become consciously aware of the rules we have for ourselves, and others, and how we really judge success or failure. This is the power of VALUES. Values are the private, personal and individual beliefs about what feelings are the most important to you. Your values are your belief systems about right, wrong, good and bad. To communicate effectively with people, we need to know what’s most important to them; specifically what are their hierarchy of values.