Our presentation courses are planned to significantly improve presentation skills to allow delegates of all levels to be able to make powerful presentations. The presentation seminars that we provide are packed full of presentation tips and techniques that demonstrate strategies which will show delegates how to reduce nerves in presentations and to allow them to present confidently when presenting to clients or colleagues. Our presentation skills workshops are designed not just to show delegates how to make a simple presentation: they are designed to show delegates how to create a successful presentation also maximising the applications of PowerPoint to make great presentations. Presentation training will allow delegates to build on their presenting skills; make better presentations; enjoy making presentations and teach delegates how to present successfully. Delegates who have taken our Presentation Courses have expressed how much they enjoyed the variety in our presentation skills training and now feel confident to present in any situation.
Delivering the Presentation: Your Visual Image
Your voice never conveys your whole message, nor does your choice of words. A critical part of your presentation success is your visual image: your posture, eye contact, facial expressions, head movements, gestures and dress.
Three parts to a professional image
- Sound like a professional
- Speak like a professional
- Look like a professional
Avoiding distractions in your presentation is essential. Many times I have attended presentations where the presenter had annoying or distracting mannerisms that took my attention away from the ‘message’ and had me concentrating more on the ‘messenger’. Here are some examples:
- Swaying or rocking motion
- Pacing too much
- Dress not appropriate to the situation
- Thumping or tapping on lectern or flipchart
- Staring at notes, floor or ceiling
- Tugging at ear
- Jingling coins in pocket
- Pointing finger at audience
- Slouching or slumped shoulders
- Clinging for life to the lectern
Body language tips
- The best way to eliminate negative body language is to be aware of what we do. We should try to be conscious at all times of using positive body language.
- It helps to practise body language.For example, practise your stance. Stand with your feet less than shoulder width apart. Don’t lean into the audience, but don’t turn your body away either.
- Use an open posture. Stand upright and not slouched. Keep your shoulders back but keep them relaxed. Don’t fold your arms across your body, or put your hands across your face. Never put your hands in your pockets.
- Make positive eye-contact. Keep regular eye-contact with the audience, but don’t stare at any one individual.
- Practise smiling and using friendly expressions. Get a happy medium – you don’t want to scowl or look too serious, but you don’t want to look inane either.
- Use open gestures. Hand gestures should be made with up-turned open palms.
- Make sure your gestures, movements or facial expressions are natural. Nerves can make us exaggerate our body language which creates the wrong effect.
- If you can, take the opportunity to see yourself perform on video. This is a useful way of getting a critical look at the body language you are using and practise improvements. Alternatively, practise in front of a mirror or in front of a trusted friend.
Body language – some simple rules
- easy eye contact across the whole audience
- relaxed posture
- head up but not tilted at an angle
- face the audience
- arms comfortable
- open gestures with arms/hands
- smile/friendly expression
Excellent presentation skills give you a platform to demonstrate your sales skills, leadership qualities, communication skills, influencing abilities and promotion potential. Our objective over the two days is to teach you the skills and techniques that will give you both the confidence and competence to enjoy making presentations in all situations. We will be giving action points to sharpen your image; reduce nerves; allow you to appear both confident and competent and increase your credibility in the eyes of colleagues and clients.
PowerPoint presentation skills, Advanced Presentation skills and Presentation skills are three of the courses trained by Total Success Training, a training consultancy specialising in communication training and management skills in London and throughout the UK. Other related courses include sales presentation skills, training the trainer, assertiveness skills, selling skills, negotiation skills and communication skills for managers. Click here if you need more information regarding presentation skills course information or contact Total Success who will be delighted to talk to you via e-mail.