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Chelsea Flower Show Winner Summer 2013: Rita Ward
“We (me and my husband) both thoroughly enjoyed it, wished we had had more time there and it has definitely given us a taste to visit next year”
Rita Ward, Epping Forest Burial Park, Appraisal Skills – February 2013
Chelsea Flower Show Winner Summer 2012: Jenny Collinson
“My colleague and her husband had a fantastic time and really enjoyed themselves, she brought me a lovely tea towel with Chelsea Flower show, (not that I wipe up much).
I must say I think it is a really nice thing to have a draw like that, I had no idea and it was a lovely surprise to be told I had won, even though I could not go.
Thank you very much and I hope to do more training with you in the future, who knows win another draw!!.”
Jenny Collinson, Hundred Houses Society, Dealing With Difficult People – February 2012